Korea Flora: Deciduous tree. Branchlets with developed cork, young parts with fine pubescence. Leaves alternate, obovate-oblong, apex abruptly acute, base asymmetrically cuneate, 3.5-15.5cm × 2-9cm, both surfaces scabrous, margin with sharp dentate serration. Petiole 3-6mm long, pubescent. Flowers perfect. Fruit and seeds samara, broadly spoon-shaped, size 20-30mm × 20-25mm, representing specimens with very large fruits. Entire fruit covered with both simple hairs and glandular hairs. Seeds positioned near base.
Flowering period: Early April-Early May Fruiting period: Late May Distribution: Northern and northeastern China; North of Danyang (Chungcheongbuk-do) and Hwacheon (Gangwon-do)