Welcome to Northeastern Asian Flora

Taxon Search

The NE Asia data portal is set up to serve as a platform to distribute our data to the researchers who are interested in Asian plants. Through this symbiota portal, we would like to offer the flora and a variety of occurrence data. Our site serves as the portal for the eastern Asian flora. We welcome scientists, botanists and plant ehthusiasts to add to our observation records with your own field data and images, or to contribute to our project by joining us in our specimen images. We would like to buld a stronger understanding of the eastern Asian flora.

Send questions, comments, and request to quercus@snu.ac.kr. We brings together information from herbaria in Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, Russia and other areas. It offers multiple resources for learning more about the plants of the region.

It will take some time to provide access to the description of each species and distribution information located in the region's herbaria.

Join this website as a regular visitor and please send your feedback to Support Hub HelpDesk (quercus@snu.ac.kr).

Use the menu below to access our introductory pages on the Red LIst of Korea.: