Japan Flora: Tree with densely pubescent branch- lets and inflorescence; leaves broadly ovate-orbicular to broadly elliptic, 7-12 cm. long and as wide, obtuse to acute, sometimes nearly rounded at apex, rounded to subtruncate at base, shallowly pinnately incised, irregularly toothed, usually short- pilose but often becoming glabrate above, densely pubescent beneath, the lateral nerves of 6 to 8 pairs, the petioles 1.5-3 cm. long; staminate inflorescence with 2-4 aments, borne from the apical and upper lateral buds, the pistillate aments 3-5, borne immediately below; fruiting aments ellipsoidal to ovate- oblong, 15-25 mm. long. Apr. Mountains and hills;
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; very variable. Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Korea, and e. Siberia
Korea Flora: Deciduous tree. Height 20m, diameter 60cm. Winter Buds and Stems: Pubescent, spathulate with rounded apex. 2-3 bud scales; terminal and lateral buds similar in size (3-6mm × 2.5-4mm). Buds stalked. Young branches initially pubescent, becoming glabrous. Leaf scars circular or triangular. Leaves: Broadly ovate or elliptic-ovate, (6)8-10cm × 5.5-8.5cm. Apex acute, base rounded, doubly serrate, shallowly divided into 5-8 lobes; upper surface dark green with fine hairs along veins; lower surface whitish-gray, initially with brown hairs becoming restricted to veins; 7-8 pairs of veins. Petiole 2-4cm long, pubescent. Flowers: Male catkins in groups of 3-5, 12-13cm × 8mm; female catkins 3-5, attached just below male catkins. Stamens 4. Fruit and Seeds: Usually 3-4 nuts per infructescence, 3-5mm × (5)8(10)mm, ellipsoid, sessile or shortly stalked. Dark brown, bracts persistent, nutlets with very narrow wings.
Flowering Period: Late March to mid-April Fruiting Period: October Distribution: Siberia and Far Eastern Russia, Japan; North Hamgyeong-do to Gangwon-do, Ulleung Island (Korea) Ecological Characteristics: Light-demanding, especially in early growth stages. Fast-growing, adaptable to various soil moisture conditions, and grows well on slopes.