Japan Flora: Rather about 2 mm. long; flowers sessile or very short-pedicclled, fleshy, glabrous annual; stems terete, much-branched, pale many to rather numerous, in short dense axillary spikes, pale yellow; calyx-segments orbicular to elliptic, rounded at apex, about 1 mm. long, erect; corolla campanulate, rather fleshy, 3.5-4 mm. long, 5-lobed, the lobes oblong; anthers narrowly oblong; capsules ellipsoid-ovoid, about 4 mm. long, enveloped by the persistent corolla at first, naked when ripe, circumscissile; styles connate, about 0.5 mm. long, the stigmas 2, short, oblong; seeds 2.5-3 mm. across. Aug.-Oct. Lowlands and low mountains;