Japan Flora: Rhizomes densely tufted, densely covered with coriaceous, decaying sheaths; culms 5-30 cm. long, terete, erect, leafless》smooth, enveloped by a few coriaceous, lustrous, brownish sheaths 7-20 mm. long; spikelet solitary, terminal, narrowly ovoid, 3-5 mm. long, 2- to 5- flowcred, tawny, bracdess; achenes broadly obovate, compressed-trigonous, mucronate; bristles 6, erect, 1.5 times as long as the achene, nearly smooth; anthers 3, linear. July-Aug. Wet slopes and moors in high mountains.
Hokkaido, Honshu (n. and centr. distr.). Sakhalin, Kuriles, and cirumpolar.