Japan Flora: shrub, the young branchlets puberulent and often glandular-hairy; leaves orbicular, 5-10 cm. in diameter, or slightly broader than long, rather densely white-hairy to glabrous on upper side, cordate, 5-lobed, the lobes acute to obtuse, doubly toothed, the petioles 5- 10 cm. long; racemes 5-8 cm. long, 10- to 20-flowered; flowers purple-red, short-campanulace, the bracts minute, ovate, the pedicels puberulent and often sparingly glandular- hairy; ovary glabrescent or glabrous; calyx-limb as long as the lobes, the lobes obovate, truncate-rounded at the tip, often puberulent on back; berry red, globose, about 7 mm. long. June-July.