Korea Flora: Evergreen climber, producing aerial roots from branches that attach to other objects. Winter Buds and Stems: Terminal buds semicircular, flatly triangular, dark red; lateral buds small and triangular. Young branches, leaves, and inflorescences covered with 15-20 rayed stellate scales, soon disappearing from leaves. Leaf scars crescent-shaped with 5 vascular bundle scars. Leaves: Alternate, thick, dark green and glossy; leaves on climbing branches subtriangular, sometimes shallowly 3-5 lobed, base truncate or cordate; leaves on older branches broadly ovate or rhomboid with cuneate or rounded base. Leaf size (3)5-6cm × (2)3-5cm, margins entire. Petiole (2)4-6cm long. Flowers: Perfect (hermaphroditic), umbels solitary or several in cymose arrangement at branch tips; main peduncle 2-3cm long, pedicels 6-8mm long. Flowers 4-5mm in diameter, greenish-yellow; flower stalks 10-15mm long with stellate hairs. Calyx with entire margin and 5 teeth; petals 5, green with stellate hairs on outer surface; stamens and styles 5 each; ovary 5-locular. Fruit and Seeds: Globose, 7-8(10)mm in diameter, black.
Flowering Period: Late September to mid-November Fruiting Period: Early May to early July of following year Distribution: Honshu to Okinawa (Japan); Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Ulleung Island, Chungcheongnam-do, and western Gyeonggi-do (Korea)