Deciduous tree up to 10m. winter buds and branches densely brownish stellate-puberulous; Leaves cordate-orbicular, 8-15cm × 7-15cm, short acuminate, obliquely cordate on one side at base, pale whitish brown stellate pubescent on both surfaces, and without axillary tufts of hairs beneath, the petioles 3-7 cm. long, densely pubescent; inflorescence corymbous cymes, flowers 7-20, pedicel 7-9cm, brownish densely pubescent, bracts obovate, round apex with serrated margin, 5-12cm densely pubescent; sepals lanceolate with stellate haris both sides, petals yellowish, 9-10mm long, staminode 2; fruit subglobose with angled or not
Flowering mod May to mid July Fruting mid Sep to late Oct Distribution China north, northeast, Far eastern Russia; all over the peninsula
Taxonomic notes: Based on the shape of fruits or the degree of development of ridges on fruits, several names were proposed such as T. ovalis, T. megaphylla Nakai, or T. simicostata Nakai (oval), but these traits as diagnostic characters of species were variable according to the maturation period. All of these taxa were synonymized as T. mandshurica.