Deciduous tree up to 20m, winter buds oval and acuminate, bud scales 2, 6-10mm long. Pseudoterminal bud larger than later buds. Branchlcts and buds glabrous, leaf scars semicircular; leaves alternate, oblique, cordate-orbicular, 3-9cm × 3-7cm, abruptly acuminate, obliquely cordate or rounded on one side at the base, rather irregularly and acutely serrate, glabrous on upper side, glabrescent and with pale brown axillary tufts of hairs beneath, the petioles 1.5-6 cm. long; Corymbous cymes, 15mm x 50mm, glabrous, flowers 3-20, bracts lanceolate, apex round, 50mm long, sepals lanceolate with stellate hair, petals lanceolate, longer than sepals, stamens longer than the petals, styles 4mm long, ovary covered with stellate puberulous; fruit subglobose, densely grayish brown or white puberulous.
Flowering late May to late July Fruting mid Aug to late Sep Distribution China northeast, Far eastern Russia; all over the peninsula Ecological characteristics It grows on mesic and fertile soils. It is shade intolerant
Taxonomic notes: Among the individuals growing on Ulleungdo, the hairy individuals on the leaf abaxial surface are called T. insularis Nakai. Also, the small leaf form, the hairy leaf form in non island, the ovoid fruit form are called T. taquetii CK Schneid., T. rufa Nakai, and T. koreana Nakai respectively. These have all previously been reduced to synonymy under T. amurensis. T. japonica (Miq.) Simonk., distributed in Japan, is considered to be a species different from T. amurensis by smaller flowers, presence of staminodes, and reduced inflorescence (Pigott, 1997) . Further studies are needed to determine whether the presence of staminodes, flower size and length of inflorescence are major discriminating characters or not.