Shrub, the branches elongate, yellowish, slightly lustrous, glabrous, densely yellowish prickly, more so on the nodes; leaves suborbicular, 3-6 cm. long and as wide, cordate, scattered prickly on both sides, glabrous, deeply 5-cleft, the lobes acute, often again 3-lobed or shallowly incised, the petioles 3-6 cm. long, prickly; inflorescence 5- to 8-flowered, glandular-hairy, the bracts broadly lanceolate, about half as long as the pedicels; berry blackish red, long glandular-hairy.
Hokkaido (Tokachi Prov.). e. Siberia, n. Korea, and Sakhalin.
Japan Red List (2000)
Deciduous low shrubs. They grow in mountainous areas. The trunk is about 1 meter tall and branches well. The branches are densely covered with small thorns. The winter bud scales are tough and membranous. The leaf blade is about 3.5-6.5 cm in length and width. The flowering period is from June to July. There is a joint at the upper part of the flower stalk. The corymb inflorescence bears 7-9 flowers.
One of the meshes where the population size was unknown is currently uncertain, while the other two meshes have a slightly rare occurrence. In another mesh, only a few individuals are observed. Although it was listed as "Data Deficient" in the IUCN Red List, the population is probably less than 250 individuals, which corresponds to "Endangered"[EN].