Japan Flora: Japanese name: Tokachi-sucuri, Chishima-suguri.
Procumbent shrub; leaves membranous, suborbicular, 5-10 cm. wide, cordate, glabrous on upper side, glabrate or slighdy pilose beneath, 3- to 5-lobed, the lobes acute to obtuse, coarsely toothed, the petioles usually pilose; racemes to 3.5 cm. long, glandular-hairy; flowers purplish, sometimes greenish, rotate; calyx-lobes obliquely spreading, orbicular; berry dark red, 6-8 mm. across.
Hokkaido. e. Asia, s. Kuriles, and Sakhalin.
Japan Red List (2000)
This is a small deciduous shrub that grows on rocks and rocky areas along streams in forests. The lower part of the trunk is on the ground and it can grow up to 1 meter both inside and outside the forest. Its flowering season is from May to July. The flowers are bisexual and purple to light purple in color, arranged in a cyme inflorescence with a joint in the upper part of the flower stalk. The fruit is a red drupe that ripens.
Out of the two meshes reported where the population numbers are unknown, the current status is unknown for one mesh while the other mesh shows a slightly rare presence. In the other two meshes, only a few or several individuals were observed. It has been categorized as DD (Data Deficient) in the IUCN Red List, but the population is likely less than 250, therefore it qualifies as EN (Endangered).