Japan Flora: Small much-branched tree with puberulent branches; leaves rather firm, lustrous, obliquely oblong, obovate or narrowly ovate, 2-5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide, obtuse to acute, obliquely obtuse at base, simply toothed, glabrous except puberulent on the midrib above, with 7 to 15 pairs of lateral nerves, the petioles 4-12 mm. long; samaras elliptic or nearly orbicular, short-pedicellate, glabrous, 8-13 mm. long, the seed near the center. Sept.
Honshu (centr. distr. and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Korea, Formosa, and China.
Korea Flora: Deciduous tree. Height 10m. Winter buds and one-year-old branchlets with developed pubescence. Buds ovoid, apex acute, with 5-6 scales, terminal buds similar to lateral buds (1-2mm long), leaf scars semicircular. Leaves alternate, thick, obovate-elliptical, apex acuminate or obtuse, base cuneate, asymmetrical. Simple serration, size 3-5cm × 1.5-2.5cm, both surfaces glabrous with glossy upper surface, lateral veins 10-20 pairs. Petiole 7mm long, pubescent. Flowers polygamous, yellowish-brown, stamens 4-5, anthers purple-yellow. Fruit and seeds samara, seeds elliptical in central portion, 8-11mm × 8-9mm, glabrous.
Sporophyte chromosome number: 28. Flowering period: September Fruiting period: Late September-Early November Distribution: Central and southern China, Taiwan, Japan (western Honshu-Okinawa); South of Gyeonggi-do, Korea Ecological characteristics: Grows well along streams and valleys