Korea Flora: Deciduous tree. Height 20m. Diameter 2m. Branchlets with large thorn-like branches, young parts with fine pubescence. Leaves alternate, oblong, apex acuminate, base rounded, subcordate or cuneate, size 2-6cm × 1-2cm, margin with simple serration, both surfaces glabrous or pubescent on veins of lower surface, lateral veins 8-15 pairs, petiole 1-3mm long with fine pubescence; stipules oblong, caducous. Flowers monoecious or polygamous, 1-4 in leaf axils, petals 4-divided, 1-2mm long, light yellow. Pedicel 1-1.5mm long, glabrous; stamens 4; ovary 1; styles 2. Fruit and seeds samara with wing on one side, flat semi-lunar shaped, apex bifid, 5-6mm long, with persistent petals at base; seed curved with thin seed coat. Fruiting pedicel 2mm long.
Sporophyte chromosome number: 84. Flowering period: Late April-Mid MayFruiting period: Mid September-Early October Distribution: Central, northern, and northeastern China; Throughout Korea except North and South Hamgyeong Provinces, in low altitude areas