Japan Flora: Roots more or less thickened; stems 40-60 cm. long, rather stout; larger leaves 1-3, alternate, the lowest ascending, obovate-oblong, 10-20 cm. long, 4-7 cm. wide, obtuse, narrowed below into a sheath, the upper leaves gradually smaller, acute to acuminate, the upper 2 or 3 scalclike; racemes 10-30 cm. long, densely many-flowered; bracts usually slightly longer than the flowers, ascending; flowers greenish, small; dorsal sepal narrowly ovate, 3-3.5 mm. long, the lateral sepals obliquely ovate, 4-5.5 mm. long, obtuse, reflexed; petals semi- ovate, thickened, about 3 mm. long, slightly shorter than the dorsal sepal; lip broadly linear, 5-7 mm. long; spur slender, 15-20 mm. long. Grassy placce in mountains;
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. Sakhalin and s. Kuriles.
var. hondoensis Ohwi. Racemes more loosely flowered; flowers 10-25, the dorsal sepal about 5 mm. long, the lateral sepals about 7 mm. long; spur 2.2-25 cm. long. Honshu (Mount Mitsumine in Musashi, and Mount Fuji in Suruga).