Japan Flora: Stems about 30 cm. long, rather thick; leaves several, alternate, narrowly oblong, sheathed at base, the lower to 7 cm. long, 2 cm. wide, the upper gradually reduced, obtuse to acute; racemes about 7 cm. long, densely several- to many-flowered; bracts nearly as long as the flowers or longer, ovate-lanceolate; flowers yellowish green; dorsal sepal broadly ovate, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long, the lateral sepals oblique, narrowly ovate, obtuse, about 5 mm. long, 6-nerved; petals obliquely ovate or narrowly deltoid, acute; lip oblong-ovate, obtuse, about 5 mm. long; spur about as long as the sepals. Grassy places in alpine regions;
Hokkaido (Mount Yubari), Honshu (Mount Shirouma in Shinano); very rare. Kuriles, Kamchatka, N. America, and Iceland.