Japan Flora: Rhizomes slender; stems 15-20 cm. long, slender, 2-leaved near the middle, the lower part glabrous, the upper part glandular- pubescent; leaves reniform to cordate, 15-30 mm. long, 20-30 mm wide, obtuse or sometimes acute, 3-nerved, the scalelike leaves 2, narrowly linear, acuminate, 1-3 mm. long; racemes loosely 5- to 10-flowered; flowers greenish brown, the bracts ascending, lanceolate to elliptic, 1-2 nun. long; perianth segments spreading; sepals narrowly oblong, about 2 mm. long, obtuse; petak linear; lip 6-8 mm. long, narrowly cuneate, ciliolate, the lobes ovate, nearly erect, obtuse; ovary about 3 mm. long, slightly shorter than the pedicels. Aug. Co-niferous woods;
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. distr.); rare. s. Kuriles, Sakhalin, Korea, Ussuri, and e. Siberia.