Japan Flora: Perennial herb with short creeping rhizomes; radical leaves long-petiolate, reniform- orbicular, 3-6 cm. long, 4-10 cm. wide, regularly coarse- toothed, nearly glabrous; scapes 20-30 cm. high, glabrous below; panicles terminal; flowers many, loose, brown, the pedicels slender, 5-12 mm. long, sparingly glandular-hairy; calyx-lobes broadly ovate, obtuse, about 1 mm. long, recurved; petals narrowly ovate, 2.5-3 mm. long, obtuse, spreading, the disc prominent; stamens short, the filaments linear; capsules superior, erect, 4-6 mm. long, the carpels connate at base; seeds oblong, about 0.8 nun. long, 1-ribbed, short- mucronate at both ends, with minute tubercles in longitudinal rows. July-Sept. Streams and ravines; Hokkaido, Honshu (n. distr.). s. Kuriles;f. kurilensis Ohwi. S. fusca var. l^urilensis Ohwi. Without glandular hairs on the inflorescence. f. intermedia Hara. With longer, flexuous glandular-hairs on the inflorescence. Var. kikubuki Ohwi. Hairs eglandular; scapes long- pubescent at base, the inflorescence short-pubescent, the pedicels 2-7 mm. long, the flowers dark purple-brown, sometimes greenish brown. July-Sept. Wet places along streams and ravines in mountains;