Korea Flora: Deciduous shrub. Height 4-6m. Lenticels very well developed, with two distinct opposite lines running along the branch from where lateral buds are attached, appearing as if cut by a knife. Leaves opposite (decussate), elliptical or oblong, apex acute or short acuminate, base cuneate or broadly cuneate, 10-16cm long. Many teeth on margins, with soft hairs, upper surface hairless, lower surface entirely or only on veins with fine hairs. Petiole 1-1.5cm long. Flowers in panicles at the end of new branches, 20-30cm long, hairy. Pedicels 3mm long. Sepals hairless or with fine hairs. Corolla light purple-red, 15-18mm long, fragrant. Corolla tube 12mm long, petals ovate-oblong with small protuberance at tip, curving inward or reflexed. Anthers within the tube. Capsule blunt or acuminate, 10-14mm long.
Sporophyte chromosome number: 46.
Flowering Late June to July.
Fruiting September.
Distribution: Three northeastern provinces of China and Far Eastern Russia; Hamgyongbuido, Hamgyongnamdo, Pyongannamdo, Pyonganbukdo, Hwanghae, Gangwon, and Gyeongsangbukdo along the Baekdudaegan mountain range in Korea.
Taxonomic notes: Compared to other species, this one has relatively larger flowers (1.2-1.5cm) and fruits. The leaves are also very large with well-developed veins, making it easy to distinguish from other species.