Tree with dark gray bark peeling off into small thick pieces, the branchlets dark-brown, resinous-glandular and pilose while young; leaves narrowly ovate-elliptic to ovate, acuminate, with irregular suberect small teeth, rounded to broadly cuneate at base, 4-8 cm. long, rather dull, appressed-pilose on nerves beneath, the lateral nerves of 9 to 10 pairs, the petioles 5-10 mm. long, pilose; fruiting aments short-pedunculate, oblong-cy- Iindric, 2-3 cm. long, 8-9 mm. in diameter, erect, the scales 5-6 mm. long, slightly resinous, short-ciliolate, the midlobe linear-lanceolate, the lateral ones obliquely ascending, about half as long as the midlobe, subacute; nuts ovoid, about 2 mm. long, with very narrow wings. Honshu (centr. and o. distr.).----- Korea, Manchuria, and Ussuri.
China Flora: Tree, up to 35 meters tall, 90 cm DBH: bark dark gray or black gray, flaking off. Branchlets covered with long soft hairs and resin glands. Leaves thickly papery, ovate, ovate-elliptic or ellipse-shaped, 4-8 cm long, apex acuminate or short-tailed, base rounded or broadly cuneate, glabrous above, densely covered with resin glands below, with irregular double fine teeth or single serrations, 8-10 pairs of lateral veins; petiole 0.5-1 cm long, covered with long soft hairs. Female inflorescence erect, oblong cylindrical, 2-3 cm long, peduncle 3-6 mm long, sparsely covered with soft hairs; bracts glabrous, middle lobe lanceolate, lateral lobes ovate-lanceolate, as long as 1/2 of the middle lobe. Nutlets ovate, about 2 mm long, with extremely narrow wings. Flowering in April, fruiting in August-September.
It is produced in eastern Jilin and eastern Liaoning, growing in forests and rock crevices on mountain slopes at an altitude of 700-800 meters. It is distributed in Japan, northern Korea, and the Ussuri region of Russia.
[translated from Higher Plants of China]
Russia Flora: Trees up to 20(22) m high; the bark is dark gray, in adults bark exfoliating in large multilayer plates. twigs from pinkish brown to dark cherry and dark brown, hairless, with white lenticels. Pob. with dense but rapidly disappearing pubescence, without glands and lenticels. Poch. up to 8 mm long, oblong, sharp, with 3 scales, sticky. Cher. 5-9 mm long, whitish or brown hairy and glandular. Leaves layer. 5.5-8(9) cm long, 3-5(6) cm wide, elliptical or oblong-ovate, acute or obtuse, rounded or broadly cuneate at base, often unequal-sided, serrate, dense, with 8-10 sides. veins, bright green above, almost glabrous, green below, finely glandular (young formations are often shiny from resinous secretions), hairy along the veins. Male inflorescence 2-5 in the racemose, Female inflorescece. 2-3 cm long., up to 7 (8) mm in diameter., with a square. brown; generator win up to 1 cm long. bract 5-6.5 mm long., 2.5-3 mm wide., wedge-shaped at the base, glabrous; center. lop. about 2.5 mm long, pointed; side. lop. up to 2 mm long, sharp. Nuts 1.9-2.3 mm long, oval, light brown, almost wingless.
Russian Distribution Ussur. (Yu.). - On drained slopes and ridges in oak, pine and coniferous-deciduous forests (dominated by Abies holophylla Maxim.). - Common. Distribution: North-East China, peninsula Korea. Described from Primor.: “Southeastern Manchuria, coll. F. Schmidt and K. Maksimovich” (syntypes LE).
Korea Flora: Deciduous tree. Height 30m. Diameter 1m. Bark dark gray, non-peeling. Winter buds and branchlets: Winter buds elongated-ovoid, with 3-4 scales, terminal and lateral buds similar in shape (5-8mm long). Branchlets initially with hairs or resinous glands that gradually disappear. Leaf scars semi-lunar or crescent-shaped. Leaves alternate, those at branch tips elongated becoming more ovate towards base, 4-8cm × 3-4.5cm, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate, margins finely serrate, 9-10 pairs of lateral veins, upper surface green and glabrous, lower surface with resinous glands, hairs on veins, and light green. Petiole 5-10mm long, pubescent. Flowers: male catkins pendulous at branch tips, female catkins erect and cylindrical. Fruit and Seeds: fruiting catkins 20-30mm long, cylindrical, upright, bracts with narrow lobes and pubescent. Nutlet elliptical with narrow wings.
Sporophyte chromosome number 56, 112. Flowering period: Early to mid-MayFruiting period: Early to late September Distribution: Northeast China, Far East Russia, Honshu Japan; Baekdudaegan Mountain Range