Japan Flora: Tree with gray-brown to gray bark, the branchlets very resinous, pilose; leaves rhombic-ovate to narrowly ovate, 4一8 cm. long, acute or acuminate,irregularly toothed, broadly cuneate at base, pilose on nerves beneath, the lateral nerves o? 6 to 8 pairs, the petioles 5-15 mm. long, slightly pilose; fruiting aments erect, short-pedunculate, 2-2.5 cm. long, narrowly oblong, the scales glabrous, lustrous, firm, the midlobe deltoid, the lateral ones spreading, rounded, as long as the midlobe; wings about half as wide as the nut.
Hokkaido, Honshu (centr. and n. distr.). Korea, Manchuria, Ussuri, and Amur.
var. okuboi Miyabe & Tatew. Leaves with 7-9 pairs of lateral nerves; midlobe of fruiting scales longer than the lateral ones.Reported to occur in Hokkaido.
Korea Flora: Deciduous tree. Height 10m. Bark grayish-brown or gray, peeling in thin plates. Winter Buds and Stems: Buds ovoid with pointed apex, 3-4 bud scales; terminal buds similar in size to lateral buds (3-6mm long). Young branches dark brown, pubescent with numerous dots. Leaf scars crescent-shaped or triangular. Leaves: Alternate, basically ovate but highly variable due to polyploidy. Apex acuminate, base cuneate or truncate, 3-8cm × 3.5-4.5cm; margins irregularly serrate or with tooth-like double serrations; upper surface green with hairs along veins; lower surface yellowish-green with numerous dots and fine hairs along veins; 7-8 pairs of lateral veins; petiole 5-15mm long, pubescent. Flowers: Male catkins pendulous, 6-7cm long, bracts brown with soft hairs; female catkins erect, cylindrical, 4cm × 1.2-1.5cm. Fruit and Seeds: Nuts 2-4cm long, cylindrical; central lobe of involucral bracts oblong or broadly lanceolate, lateral lobes reniform, ovate, or orbicular; bracts 7.5mm × 7.5mm. Nutlets ellipsoid, light reddish-brown, 4mm × 2mm, 4mm wide including wings.
Sporophyte Chromosome Number: 84 Flowering Period: Early to mid-May Fruiting Period: Ripening late September, falling in October Distribution: Northern China, Siberia, Far Eastern Russia, Mongolia, Japan; throughout Korea but mainly along Baekdudaegan Mountain Range
Ecological Characteristics: Shallow root system; young seedlings establish roots well and grow quickly. Grows at elevations of 100-1,500m. Thrives in both moist and relatively dry locations such as mountain ridges.