Japan Flora: Tufted, densely pubescent annual; culms erect, branching at base, pubescent, 15-20 cm. long; leaf-blades lanceolate to broadly linear, flat, 3-5 cm. long, 5-8 mm. wide, silvery-green, short- acuminate, rounded at base; ligule a series of short hairs; sheaths rather short; inflorescence exserted, erect, slightly onesided, 4-6 cm. long, the branches 6-10, a幻:ending, to 2-3 cm. long; spikelets short-pedicelledj appressed to the rachis, ovate-elliptic3 2.5-2.7 mm. long, acute, pubescent, pale green, becoming pale yellow at maturity; first glume deltoid, 2/5 as long as the spikelet, acute, the second nearly as long as the spikelets, acute, 7- rarely 5-nerved, membranous; sterile lemma as long as the spikelets, acute, 5-nerved; fertile lemma slighdy shorter, pale yellow, rather acute, narrowly ovate, finely rugulose, not lustrous.
Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; rare. Ryukyus, Formosa, China, Malaysia, and India.