Japan Flora: 4. Short-rhizomatous; culms 80-120 cm. long, 6- to 8-noded, obtusely 3-angled at base, acutely angled above, scabrous on the angles below the inflorescence; cauline leaves flat, linear, 20-40 cm. long, 5-10 mm. wide, long-acuminate, the sheaths loosely surrounding the culm, 5-10 cm. long; inflorescence a solitary, terminal, large, compound umbelliform panicle subtended by 1- 5 leaflike bracts much exceeding the inflorescence, the rays numerous, the longer ones to 15 cm. long, scabrous above; spikelets solitary or in 3’s, numer아is,dark gray, narrowly ovoid, 4-7 mm. long; achenes 1 mm. long, pale; brisdes 5-6, slightly longer than the achene, retrorsely scabrous. July-Aug. Swampy places in woods.
Hokkaido, Honshu (n. and centr. distr. especially in mountains) Korea, Sakhalin, Manchuria, and Ussuri. The typical phase occurs in Europe.