Japan flora: Rhizomes short; radical leaves rosulate, oblong-cuneate, 2-3 cm. long, 8-12 mm. wide, sessile, with few teeth on the upper margin, glandular-ciliate, slightly fleshy, yellowish green; scapes 5-10 cm. long, glandular-pubescent; inflorescence cymose, terminal, rather few-flowered; calyx-lobes recurved, ovate-oblong, 2-3 mm. long; petals white, narrowly ovate, 4-5 mm. long, clawed at base, with 2 yellow spots on lower portion, 3-nerved; stamens shorter than the petals, the filaments subulate; capsules superior; carpels connate on lower half, ovoid, 5-6 mm. long; seeds ovoid, small, tuberculate on the longitudinal ribs. July-Aug. Alpine;
Hokkaido (Mount Daisetsu and Mount Yubari); rare. Sakhalin and n. Korea.