Japan Flora: Perennial with short rhizomes and numerous small scalelike fleshy bulbils; scapes erect, simple, 5-25 cm. long, long-pubescent, naked except for few leaves on lower half; radical leaves few, reniform-orbicular, palmately 5- to 7-cleft, 5-15 mm. long, 7-17 mm. wide, slightly fleshy, the petioles slightly dilated at base, with soft curled hairs; caulinc leaves short-petioled, broadly cuneate to shallowly cordate, the lobes acute, the upper leaves gradually becoming bracteate; flowers few, loosely spicate (bulbils appearing in place of the lowermost flowers), the bracts lanceolate to elongate-ovate, sessile, the rachis with curled glandular hairs, the terminal flowers usu- ally well-developed, white; calyx-lobes broadly lanceolate, obtuse, glandular-pilose, about 2.5 mm. long; petals ascending, spreading above, oblanceolate, 3-nerved, 6-8 mm. long; capsules usually not developed. Aug. Wet shaded rocks in high mountains;
Honshu (alpine regions in Shinano Prov.); rare. Mountains and northern regions of the N. Hemisphere.