Japan Flora: Soft annual, 10-30 cm. high, tufted, glabrous; leaf-blades smooth, flat, 4-10 cm. long, 1.5-3 mm. wide; ligules semirounded, 3-6 mm. long; panicles broadly ovate, usually 4-5 cm. long, the branches geminate, rather thick, smooth, spreading; spikelets ovate, pale green, 3-5 mm. long, 3- to 5-flowered; glumes 1- to 3-nerved, nearly smooth, the lower 1.5 mm. long, the upper narrowly ovate, 2-2.5 mm. long, acute; lemmas about 3 mm. long, sometimes white-pubescent on lower half, the nerves white-pubescent except near the tip, the intermediate nerves often glabrous, the web wanting or nearly so. Mar.-Nov. Cultivated fields and along roadsides; Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; very common. A cosmopolitan weed.
var. reptans Hausskn. With elongate creeping innovation-shoots, bearing new ones from the nodes. Rare in our area. Europe.
Japan Flora: Ligules 2-3 mm. long; panicles oblong, the branches in pairs, rather thick; spikelets oblong, 4-6 mm. long, 3- to 6-flowered, pale green; glumes narrowly oblong, the upper 3-nerved, 3 mm. longļ¼the lower 2 mm. long; lemmas narrowly oblong, obtuse, with glabrous sides, the intermediate nerves strong, white-villous below the middle, the web obscure. Apr .-June.