Japan Flora: Roots somewhat fusiform-thickened; stems 20-50 cm. long; leaves 2, radical, oblong to elliptic, 8-15 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, obtuse, narrowed to base; racemes 8-16 cm. long, rather densely flowered, the bracts lanceolate; flowers white; dorsal sepal ovate to ovate-elliptic, 5.5-6 mm. long, the lateral sepals about 8 mm. long, broadly lanceolate, obtuse, spreading; petals broadly lanceolate, erect, rather thick, obtuse, slightly shorter than the sepals, forming a hood with the dorsal sepal; lip broadly linear, 1-13 cm. long, subcarnose, obtuse; spur 2-2.7 cm. long, gradually narrowed toward the obtuse apex. July-Aug.