Japan Flora: Perennial, with swollen or bulblike base; culms 50-100 cm. long, tufted, erect from ascending base; leaf-blades green, 20-60 cm. long, 5-10 mm. wide, flat, scaberulous; ligules membranous, semirounded, 1- 3 mm. long; panicles cylindric, 3-15 cm. long, pale green; spikelets very densely arranged, 3-3.5 mm. long, obovate, flat; glumes narrowly obovate, strongly plicate, membranous, trun¬cate, the keel green, long-ciliate, excurrent at the tip as a short, rigid awn 1/4-1/3 as long as the body; florets about 1.5 mm. long, smooth, glabrous; anthers yellowish; Pastures and fields;
naturalized in Japan, especially common in Hokkaido. Europe and Siberia; widely naturalized as a pasture grass throughout all temperate regions.