Japan Flora: Glabrous, green, soft perennial; culms erect, sometimes slightly decumbent at base, 60-120 cm. long; leaf-blades flat, linear, 10-20 cm, long, 10-15 mm. wide, abruptly acute; ligules hyaline, 1-10 mm. long, obtuse, smooth; panicles open, loose, 15-25 cm. long, ovate, the branches 2- to 5-nate, scabrous; spikelets about 3 mm. long, ovate; glumes ovate, rather obtuse, smooth, green; lemma coriaceous and glossy, smooth, scarcely shorter than the glumes, rounded on back, slightly dorsiventrally compressed; anthers about 2 mm. long. June-July. Wet grassy places in mountain woods.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; rather common. Formosa, Korea, s. Kuriles, Sakhalin, and cooler regions of Eurasia and N. America.