Japan Flora: Slender perennial with slender creeping rhizomes and elongate stolons; culms erect, 20-50 cm. long, obtusely angled; leaf-blades thin, scabrous, rather flat, 5-15 cm. long, 2-5 mm. wide, sometimes sparsely pilose; lower sheaths tinged red-purple; ligules truncate, very short; panicles exserted, narrow, nearly simple and racemose, loosely spiculose, 8-15 cm. long; spikelets 5-15, 2-flowered exclusive of the 2 sterile lemmas, pendulous, elliptic, 3-8 mm. long, very obtuse to rounded at apex, pale green, sometimes purple-tinged, lustrous; glumes oblong, papery, smooth, lustrous, the lower 3-nerved, 3-4 mm. long, the upper 5-nerved, 5-6 mm. long; lemmas chartaceous, many-nerved, scaberulous; palea ratlier broad. May-July. Grassy slopes of hills and mountains.
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; rather common. Kuriles, Sakhalin, Korea, China to Siberia, and Europe.