Northeastern Asian Flora
Mallotus japonicus
Japan Flora: Deciduous tree, with dense reddish stellate scales while young, grayish afterward, the branches rather thick; leaves rounded-obovate to broadly ovate, 10-20 cm. long, 6-15 cm. wide, acute, rounded at base, shallowly 3-fid, sometimes entire or undulate, 3-nerved, with parallel vein lets, pale yellowish green beneath with yellow sessile glands, 2 glands just above the base, the petioles rather long; inflorescence a panicle, &,20 cm. long, the branches elongate in the staminate; staminate flowers with calyx about 3 mm. long and numerous stamens 6-7 mm. long; pistillate flowers short-pedicellate on shorter branches of the panicles; capsules trigonous-globose, about 7 mm. across, densely lepidote and with yellowish brown glandular dots, and sparsely armed with soft spinelike protuberances, densely stellate-pilose while young, 3-valved, the valves bifid; seeds dark brown, about 4 mm. long, obscurely tuberculate. June. Thickets and thin woods in lowlands. Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; common. Ryukyus, Formosa, China, and Korea
Korea Flora: Deciduous small tree up to 10m, winter buds naked, terminal larger than later buds, 10-13mm long with dense reddish stellate scales while young, grayish afterward, leaf scars round; leaves alternate, broadly ovate, 10-20cm × 6-15cm, acute, rounded at base, shallowly 3-fid, entire, 3-nerved, pale yellowish green beneath with yellow sessile glands, the petioles rather long; flowers dioecious, inflorescence a panicle, 8-20 cm. long, the branches elongate in the staminate; staminate flowers with 3-4 calyx and 50-80 stamens 10 mm. long; pistillate flowers a few with 1 bract, calyx 3-5, carpels 3; capsules trigonous-globose, about 7 mm. acrosswith yellowish brown glandular dots, and armed with soft spinelike protuberances, densely stellate-pilose while young, 3-valved, the valves bifid; seeds dark brown, globose about 4 mm. long, obscurely tuberculate.
Development supported by College of Agriculture and Life Sciences of Seoul
National University and Korea National Arboretum of Korea Forest Service.
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