Japan flora: Rhizomatous perennial, usually scabrous on stems, leaves be neath, and calyx; stems erect, slightly branched, 4-striatc, 50-100 cm. long; leaves opposite, lanceolate to broadly so, 4-6 cm. long, 8-15 mm. wide, subobtuse or acute, rounded or subcordate and semiclasping at base; spikes erect, terminal, 20-35 cm. long, the bracts ascending, broadly lanceolate to deltoid- ovate, 5-12 mm. long; flowers rose-purple, 1-3 in axils, cymose; peduncles and pedicels very short; calyx-tube 5-8 mm. long, 12-ribbed, with 6 deltoid teeth, the appendage spinelike, erect, 1.5- 2 mm. long; petals cuneate-oblong, 7-8 mm. long. Aug. Wet places in lowlands and hills;
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; rather common. Europe, N. Africa, Afghanistan, n. India, China, and e. Asia.