Japan Flora: Pseudobulbs 1-1.2 cm. long; leaves 2, elliptic to oblong, 5-12 cm. long, 2.5-5 cm. wide, obtuse or subacute, acute and short-sheathing at base; peduncles 15-25 cm. long, erect; racemes 3-7 cm. long, loosely 5- to 15-flowered; flowers pale green to purplish; bracts spreading, ovate-deltoid, 1-1.5 mm. long, acute; sepals narrowly oblong, 55-6.5 mm. long, obtuse, spreading; petals narrowly linear, as long as the sepals; lip cuneate-obovate, abruptly reflexed above the middle, shallowly grooved on the upper surface, rounded-truncate at the apex; column about 3 mm. long, narrowly winged with a low ridge above on each side; capsules pedicelled, erect, clavate, 10-15 mm. long. June-Aug. Woods;