Japan Flora: Roots somewhat tuberous-thickened; stems 5-15 cm. rarely to 20 cm. long, slender, 1-leaved near base; leaves broadly lanceolate to linear-oblong, ascending, 4-8 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide, subacute, rounded at base, the scalelike leaves usually 1, on upper part of stem, small; spikes few- to rather many-flowered, secund, 1-4 cm. long; bracts small, ovate to narrowly so, acuminate3 3-5 mm. long, 1-nerved; flowers rose-purple; sepals 2.2-25 mm. long, 1-nerved, obtuse, elliptic, the lateral sepals obliquely ovate, ascending; petals oblique, broadly ovate, about 2.2 mm. long, obtuse, 1-nerved, as long as the sepals; lip suberect, about 3.5 mm. long, 3-lobed to below the middle, the lateral lobes narrow, short, the terminal longest, spathulate-cuneate, rounded at apex, 3-nerved at base; spur cylindric, 1-1.5 mm. long; capsules short-pedicelled, 5-6 mm. long. June-July.