Japan Flora: Slender, erect herb with tuberous roots; stems 25-50 cm. long, 6- to 7-leaved on lower part; leaves 6-11 cm. long, 4-6 mm. wide, acute, 3- nerved, sheathing at base, the upper reduced leaves lanceolate; spikes loosely 2- to 8-flowered, to 10 cm. long; bracts lanceolate, broadened at base; flowers white, suboblong (in bud) in lateral view; dorsal sepal erect, broadly ovate, about 4 mm. long and as wide, 3-nerved, the lateral sepals spreading, greenish, obliquely ovate, about 5 mm. long; petals erect, white, obliquely ovate-triangular, about 4 mm. long; lip greenish, about 10 mm. long, the lateral lobes spreading, gently recurved, minutely toothed near apex, about 6 mm. long, the terminal lobe about as long; spur greenish, about 4 mm. long, curved forward, inflated toward apex; ovary about 1.5 cm. long. Aug. Bogs;
var. longicalcarata Miyabe & Tatew. Spur about 15 mm. long, gradually inflated upward. July-Aug. Bogs; Honshu (Oze in Kotsuke); rare. s. Kuriles.