Japan Flora: Rhizomes slender; stems 30-70 cm. long, smooth, 6- to 12-leaved, purplish below and covered with few leafless sheaths at base; leaves narrowly ovate to broadly lanceolate, 7-12 cm. long, rounded and short-sheathed at base, gradually acuminate, glabrous except for a few mammillae on the nerves above; bracts scarcely longer than the flowers; petals ovate, obtuse, nearly as long as the sepals, rounded on lower margin; lip as long as the petals, the lower portion obcordate, the upper portion broadly ovate, with 2 elevated lines near the base, obtuse; colnmn about 6 mm. long; ovary pedicelled,spreading to pendulous; capsules about 2 cm. long, narrowly oblong. June-Aug. Bogs and moist places;
Hokkaido, Honshu, Shi-koku, Kyushu; rather common. Korea, Ussuri, and Manchuria.