Japan Flora: Rhizomes short; stems 30-70 cm. long, prominently pilose with brown, crisped, hairlike protuberances, with few leafless sheaths at base; leaves 5-7, elliptic-ovate to broadly lanceolate, 7-12 cm. long, 2-4 cm, wide, prominently short- acuminate, the upper blades long-acuminate, with whitish hairlike protuberances on nerves and on margin, the lower blades short-sheathed at base; racemes 10-20 cm. long, manyflowered; bracts usually longer than the flowers; flowers spreading or nodding, greenish; sepals ascending with recurved tips, narrowly ovate, acute, 9-12 mm. long; petals rather short, ovate, as long as the sepals, acute; lip pale green, as long as the petals, the lower portion semirounded or depressed-obovate, truncate, brown within, the upper portion deltoid, acute; column as long as the lower lobe of the lip; ovary pedicelled; capsules about 1 cm. long, ellipsoidal. Aug. Mountains;
Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu; rare.
var. sayekiana (Makino) T. Koyama & Asai. Flowers pale green and purple spotted. Near seashores; Honshu (Sagami and Kazusa Prov.).