Japan Flora: Green perennial; culms solitary or few together, 80-120 cm. long, usually with villous nodes; leaf-blades nearly flat, green, 15-25 cm. long, 5-8 mm. wide; spikes erect, 10-15 cm. long; spikelets numerous, green to slightly purple-tinged, appressed, 15-20 mm. long, 5- to 7-flowered; glumes broadly lanceolate, 6- to 8-nerved, gradually acute, 9-11 mm. long; lemmas 9-11 mm. long, scabrous, entire; awn rather stout, elongate, slightly recurved above; palea as long as the lemma. June-July. Mountains.
Honshu (Mount Kirigamine, in Shinano Prov.); rare. Korea and s. Kuriles. The typical phase occurs in Siberia and Manchuria.