Korea Flora: Evergreen tree. Height 15m. Winter Buds and Stems: Buds triangular. Young branches green, glabrous and glossy. Leaves: Alternate, ovate or elliptic, entire or with 3(5) lobes, apex acuminate, base cuneate, 10-20cm long, both surfaces glabrous. Three main veins distinctly developed at base. Petiole 3-4(10)cm long, flat on upper surface with groove. Flowers: Perfect (hermaphroditic). Umbels solitary at branch tips, 3-5cm wide; main peduncle 5-8cm long, pedicels 10-12mm long. Calyx campanulate or spathulate, 5-lobed at apex; petals and stamens 5 each; nectaries present on peduncle; ovary 5-locular with 5 stigmas. Fruit and Seeds: Drupes ellipsoid, 7-10mm × 4-5mm, black, with persistent style.
Flowering Period: Mid-July to mid-August Fruiting Period: Late September to mid-November Distribution: Southern Honshu to Okinawa (Japan); Jeollanam-do, Jeollabuk-do, Jeju Island, Gyeongsangnam-do (Korea) Ecological Characteristics: Grows in coastal areas with relatively high light exposure but has very strong shade tolerance. Thrives better in moist, shaded valleys but also grows well in dry conditions.
Taxonomic Notes: Previously considered a separate species (Dendropanax morbiferus H. Lev.), but difficult to distinguish from Japanese species except for sap color.