Japan Flora: Thinly long-pubescent; stems 7- 15 cm. long; stolons very elongate, branched, with widely spaced pairs of orbicular leaves; radical leaves withering be¬fore anthesis, the cauline petiolate, ovate-orbicular or sub- orbicular, 5-15 mm. long, 6-15 mm. wide, broadly cuneate at base, with subrounded teeth; flowers green, purple-green or purple-brown; calyx-lobes horizontally spreading, depressed- rounded; stamens inserted on the margin of a prominent disc, much shorter than the calyx-lobes; capsules subinferior, the valves horizontally spreading, nearly equal; seeds narrowly ovoid-ellipsoidal, about 1 mm. Jong, obsoletely ribbed or nearly smooth. May-June.
Hokkaido, Honshu (Kinki Distr, and northw.). s. Sakhalin, Korea, Manchuria and Amur.