Japan Flora: Slender glabrous herb; stems 5-15 cm. long; stolons much elongate, often with a pair of leaves at wide intervals, with a tuft of rosulate leaves at apex; radical leaves rosulate, ovate-orbicular, short-petiolate, undulately toothed; leaves on stolons orbicular, 5-15 mm. long and as wide, abruptly decurrent at base, short-petiolate, sometimes nearly sessile; flowers few to more than 10, yellowish green or brownish green; calyx-lobes spreading at anthesis, orbicular, about 1 mm. in diameter, the disc prominent; stamens marginal, shorter than the calyx lobes; capsules ascending, the valves unequal; seeds longi-tudinally ribbed and finely cross-barred on the ribs. Apr.-May.
Hokkaido, Honshu (Kinki Distr. and northw.). Kuriles, Sakhalin, and Kamchatka.