Russia Flora: Plant, up to 1.5 (2.0) m tall. Root crown multiple-headed, up to 3.5 cm thick. Stem simple or slightly branching, furrowed below, glabrous up to inflorescence. Lower leaves with long petioles with sheaths, biternately compound; leaflets broadly ovate, pointed, sharply large-toothed along margin, firm, glabrous. Upper leaves ternately compound or simple, three-parted. Inflorescence up to 30 cm long, pubescent with short appressed simple hairs mixed with glandular ones. Flowers about 10 mm in diameter. Sepals white or cream-colored, early deciduous. Staminodial petals entire, spatulate, with entire or bilobed appendage. Ovaries 2-6. Carpels on stalks 2-3 mm long. Style up to 2 mm long. Seeds as in previous species. 2n = 16 (Sokolovskaya, 1966).
Distribution: Ussuri (southern). (Fig. 8). - In valley meadows, hill slopes, among herbs, shrubs, in forest edges, clearings. VII-IX. - General distribution: Japanese-Chinese (northeastern China, Korean Peninsula). - Described from North Korea.