Japan Flora: Semi-evergreen glabrous shrub; leaves thick, lustrous, elliptic, obovate, or ovate, 4-10 cm. long, 2-5 cm. wide, acute or sometimes obtuse at both ends, deep green and the midrib impressed on upper side, pale green and the midrib raised beneath, the petioles 3-10 mm. long; panicles pyramidal-deltoid, 5-10 cm. long and as wide; corolla-lobes about half as long as the tube, slightly longer than the filaments; anthers broadly lanceolate, about 2.5 mm. long, longer than the filaments; fruit nearly globose, purple-black, about 8 mm. in diameter. June-July.
Thickets near the sea; Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu; rather common.
var. heterophyllum (Bl.) Nakai. Panicles and young branches puberulent. Honshu (Kanto Distr.). Korea.
var. pacificum (Nakai) Mizushima. Corolla-tube as long as to slightly longer than the lobes. Thickets near the sea; Honshu (Izu Is.).