Korea Flora: Decuduous shrub up to 8m. Winter buds lanceolate, acuminate, scales 6-8, pseudoterminal 2, buds 2-3mm long. Branchlets glabrous. Leaf scars V or U form, leaves opposite, triangular-ovate, 4-8(10)cm × 3-6cm, often shallowly 3-fid, caudately acuminate with a subobtuse tip, glabrous on upper side, thinly pubescent on nerves beneath, incised and doubly serrate, the petioles 1-4 cm. long, glabrous and reddish; inflorescence compound-corymbose, rather many-flowered; flowers (andromonoecious) greenish yellow, small, male flowers 4.5mm across and sepals and petals 5 with 8 stames, bisexual flowers 1 styles and hairy ovary and 8-9 stamens. samaras glabrous or nearly so, erect or slightly ascending, wings and seeds 4-5 cm. long nd two wings spreading horizontally and seeds convex. Fruits numerous. Flowering May Fruting mid Aug to mid Oct. Distribution NE China, North to Central, Japan Hokkaido to Kyushu; widespred in Korea
Taxonomic notes: Acer tataricum is variable in fruit color and the reddish wing forms (f. coccineum Nakai) is difficult to separate from ssp. ginnala. Acer ginnala f. divaricatum (Nakai) T.B. Lee is an invalidly published name.