Japan Flora: Stems erect to ascending,flexuous, much branched, to 30 cm. long or more, deep green above, pale green beneath, 1.5-2.5 mm. across, or 6-9 mm. wide including the leaves, 3-grooved on upper side, the rhizophores to 10 cm. long on the lower half; branches forked; leaves of lower plane larger, narrowly oblong- ovate, denticulate, slightly oblique, spreading, rounded at base on upper side, those of upper plane appressed, ovate, about 1.5 mm. long excluding the short-awned tip, denticulate; fertile branchlets 4-angled, the bracts all alike, ascending, deltoid- ovate, 1.5-2 mm. long, denticulate, green. Woods in low lands and hills;