Korea Flora: Habit: Evergreen perennial herb; leaves fasciculate at apex of thick, short rhizome. Stipe: 20-50 cm long, densely scaly. Scales: Linear to linear-lanceolate; margins entire; brown to dark brown; becoming narrower and shorter upwards, readily deciduous. Blade: Oblong to ovate-oblong; apex acute; 30-70 cm × 20-30 cm; bipinnate; adaxial surface glossy. Pinnae: Lanceolate to oblong; apex caudate; shortly stalked; abaxial rachis with bullate scales. Pinnules: Oblong to linear-lanceolate; apex rounded or acute; margins shallowly serrate. Sori: Arranged in single row; indusium round-reniform with entire margins. Distinctive Features: Young leaves and indusia with reddish-purple tinge Related Taxa: var. ambigens Nakai, Sori confined to upper half of pinnules, More deeply serrate margins Habitat: Growing in forests of southern islands and Ulleung Island. Note: Distinguished by glossy surface, caudate pinna apex, and reddish-purple young parts.