Japan Flora: Evergreen; rhizomes long-creeping, 3-4 mm. across, sparsely pilose and thinly scaly; stipes slender, 25-50 cm. long, straw-colored, sometimes dull purplish, sparsely short-pilose, sparsely scaly at base; scales lanceolate, 4- 6 mm. long, brown; blades chartaceous, lanceolate to narrowly oblong-ovate, 30-60 cm. long, pinnate, deep green above, slightly paler beneath, abrupdy and caudately long-acuminate, the terminal pinna linear- to deltoid-lanceolate, the rachis prominendy short-pilose, somewhat hispid on underside; pinnae linear- to broad-lanceolate, 7-20 mm. wide, gradually acuminate, spreading, truncate at base, sessile, pinnately cleft, costas and veins strigose on upper side, spreading-pilose beneath; pinnules ovate to oblong-ovate, 3-4 mm. wide, obtuse to subacute with a short mucro at tip, the lowest anterior pinnule longer than the others; sori in 2 rows, nearer the margin than the veins; indusia small, orbicular-reniform, short-pilose on back, about 0.5 mm. across, entire, brownish. Thickets and sunny slopes;
Honshu (Kanto Distr. through Tokaido to Kinki and westw.), Shikoku, Kyushu. Ryukyus, Formosa, s. Korea, and China.