Tree with nearly smooth, grayish bark; buds small, subglobose; branchlets pubescent in the shallow grooves; leaves linear, 2-3.5 cm. long, about 1.5 mm. wide, rounded to emarginate, with 2 rather narrow stomatai bands beneath; cones cylindric, about 7 cm. long, the scales externally densely puberulent, entire, the bracts obcordate-quadrangular, cuspidate, exserted, straight. Hokkaido. s. Kuriles and Sakhalin.
var. nemorensis Mayr. Bracts smaller, not exserted. Hokkaido.
var. mayriana Miyabe & Kudo. Leaves with 4-5 stoma tai bands; cone scales conspicuously reflexed. Hokkaido.