Japan Flora: Creeping stems elongate, the ascending stems simple, 10-30 cm. long, 2-3 mm. in dhmeter, terete, with spreading pale brown multicellular hairs on the upper part; leaves subcoriace이is, in a few whorls on upper part of stems, usually in 3’s or in 4’s, obovate- oblong to oblong, 5-13 cm. long, 2-4 cm. wide, acute, rather coarsely and acutely toothed, with spreading hairs on midrib beneath while young, the petioles 7-15 mm. long; peduncles usually from axils of scalelike leaves between the whorls of ordinary leaves, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, slender, the pedicels 7-12 mm. long; flowers 2-6, white, 6-8 mm. across; calyx-segments ovate or narrowly so, short-acuminate, ciliolate; fruit red, 5-6 mm. across, globose. May. Woods.
Honshu (Awa Prov., Izu-shichito 1st and westw.), Kyushu. Intermediate between A. japonica and A. pusilia.