Korea Flora: Deciduous vine. Length up to 3m. Winter buds and branchlets conical, with sharp tips, 2 bud scales, 1-3mm long. One-year-old branches 1-4mm in diameter. Leaf scars semicircular. Leaves opposite to tendrils, triangular-ovate, acuminate at apex, cordate at base, 5-8cm × 3-8(10)cm in size. Both surfaces glabrous, but with dense brown hairs on main veins, and sparse teeth on margins. Young plant leaves may be divided like those of Vitis amurensis. Petiole length 4-6cm. Flowers in panicles opposite to leaves, sometimes developing tendrils on peduncles. Inflorescence 7-10cm long. Flowers dioecious, pale yellowish-green, pentamerous. Calyx whorled, petals fused at the top and separating at the base, 5 stamens. Fruit and seeds: 8mm in diameter, black, containing 2-3 seeds.
Flowering : Late May to mid-June
Fruiting : Mid to late October
Distribution: India, Nepal, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, central to southern China, Japan (Hokkaido to Okinawa); South of Hwanghae Province in Korea. CopyRe