Korea Flora: Deciduous vine. Winter buds and branchlets ovoid with rounded tips, having 2 bud scales, 5-9mm long. Stem is angular, with brown spots when young; one-year-old branches 3-7mm in diameter. Leaf scars are semicircular. Leaves heart-shaped to circular, shallowly 5-lobed, 8-20cm × 15-20cm in size. Lower part of the leaf is cordate, with small triangular teeth. Sometimes thinly divided into 3 lobes. Underside of leaves entirely covered with brown hairs or glandular hairs, deep yellow in color. Young leaves entirely covered with reddish-brown hairs. Petiole length 8-11cm. Flowers in very long inflorescences, 10-25cm, with tendrils present. Fruit and seeds: Fruit round, 8-10mm in size, dark blue. Seeds 5mm long, broadly obovate in shape.
Flowering: Mid-May to late July
Fruiting: September to October
Distribution: Japan (Hokkaido to Shikoku); Ulleungdo Island (Korea)